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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

First Visit to the Vet

On Monday, we packed up all twelve pups into the car and took them to the veterinarian. The ride over was a little dicey as several of them threw up in the car. Fortunately, they were confined to their crates at the time. Dodged a bullet there.

Here is how Nancy described the adventure to Tucker's new owner: "Things went really well! He doesn’t have a nerve in his body! We put a leash on him and walked to the front door of Boothbay Animal Hospital and he decided to put the brakes on! I had Blue on the other hand and he too decided they were not going inside! I tugged on the leashes and still they refused! The hospital has double doors so I picked them up and we waited on the bench inside. Blue was shaking like a leaf when he saw a big dog come in but Tucker sat right next to me and was not fazed in the least! Once we got into the examining room Blue was still shaking and Tucker just sat on the scale and was adorable! Not even a whimper when he got his shots! Dr. Peterson and the tech were smitten and I was so proud of him! He sat like a gentleman taking everything in! The microchip needle was bigger than I thought and they didn’t want to microchip without sedating him, but I said he would be fine and all did an amazing job! We had only two that fussed!"

All the puppies passed their examinations with flying colors, which is amazing for such a large litter! Dr. Peterson seemed to be very impressed, they were so well behaved when getting their shots and chips.

With that hurdle out of the way, it is time for the first two puppies to leave the nest.

Scenes from the First Car Ride and Trip to the Vet

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